Implant Dentistry

Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC -  - General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry

Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC

General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry located in Butte, MT

Implant dentistry provides a safe and effective way to replace teeth lost due to trauma, extractions, cavities, and gum disease. At his practice in Butte, Montana, experienced dentist Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC, and the caring team use guided dental implant surgery to restore smiles and encourage good oral health. Call the office to schedule an implant dentistry consultation today.

What is implant dentistry?

Implant dentistry is a subspecialty of restorative dentistry. It uses dental implants –– small, titanium screws –– to replace your natural tooth roots. 

After Dr. Wilcox inserts the implants into your empty tooth sockets, they fuse with your jawbone through a process called osseointegration. That provides a strong base for dental restorations, like crowns, bridges, or implant-retained dentures. 

The restorations transform your smile and restore your chewing and biting abilities. Additionally, they reduce the risk of gum recession and bone loss, ensuring your mouth stays healthy.

Is guided dental implant surgery right for me?

To qualify for implant dentistry, you must have healthy gums and enough bone to support the implants. If you have periodontal (gum) disease or low bone volume, Dr. Wilcox may first recommend another procedure, such as scaling and root planing or a bone graft.

Scaling and root planing remove plaque from beneath your gums, allowing the tissue to reattach to your teeth, while a bone graft promotes the growth of new, healthy bone tissue.

During your guided dental implant surgery consultation, tell Dr. Wilcox if you take prescription medication or have a chronic medical condition, like heart disease. These issues won’t necessarily prevent you from undergoing implant dentistry, but they may increase the risk of post-surgical side effects, so Dr. Wilcox needs to know.

What does implant dentistry involve?

Dr. Wilcox uses guided dental implant surgery to reduce the risk of side effects and speed up healing post-procedure.

Before placing your implants, he takes high-quality images of your mouth with an intraoral scanner. Next, he uses the scans to create a three-dimensional (3D) model of your mouth and surgical guide.

Once the surgical guide is ready, Dr. Wilcox administers an anesthetic, numbing your mouth. Then, he places the guide over your teeth and gums and uses it to direct the placement of each implant. Specifically, the guide ensures each implant is placed at the correct angle, position, and depth.

After Dr. Wilcox places your dental implants, he attaches restorations, like crowns, bridges, or implant-retained dentures. These restorations are immediate-load, allowing you to bite and chew right away.

To learn more about the benefits of guided dental implant surgery, call the office of Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC, and request a consultation today.