Same-Day CEREC Crowns

Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC -  - General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry

Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC

General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry located in Butte, MT

Same-day CEREC® crowns make it easy to repair decaying or severely damaged teeth during a single dental appointment. At his practice in Butte, Montana, experienced dentist Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC, and the caring team regularly recommend same-day CEREC Crowns to restore smiles and promote good oral health. Call the office to schedule a same-day CEREC Crown consultation.

What are same-day CEREC Crowns?

CEREC is an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. Same-day CEREC Crowns are dental restorations made of durable ceramic material.

Traditionally, dental crowns were made of metal, resin, or porcelain. They also took several appointments to design and manufacture, so people had to visit the dentist more than once to complete the placement process.

Alternatively, same-day CEREC Crowns are manufactured onsite during a single visit. Dr. Wilcox designs and creates them during the same appointment, saving you time and minimizing costs. 

Can I benefit from same-day CEREC Crowns?


Dr. Wilcox uses same-day CEREC Crowns to:


  • Strengthen weak teeth
  • Protect and support cracked teeth
  • Hold dental bridges in place
  • Restore worn-down or broken teeth
  • Attach to dental implants
  • Improve the appearance of severely stained and discolored teeth

Sometimes, Dr. Wilcox recommends same-day CEREC Crowns for root canal treatment. The crown provides a seal over the treated tooth, preventing bacteria from causing another infection.

What does same-day CEREC Crown treatment involve?

Same-day CEREC Crown treatment typically takes two hours or less.

On the day of your appointment, Dr. Wilcox numbs your mouth with a local anesthetic and uses an intraoral scanner to take three-dimensional (3D) images of your mouth. 

Afterward, he uploads the images to a computer-aided design (CAD) program and creates a blueprint for your custom crown.

Next, Dr. Wilcox transfers the blueprint to a CEREC milling machine. The machine forms your custom crown from a ceramic block, which takes about half an hour.

Once your same-day CEREC crown is ready, Dr. Wilcox removes a thin layer of enamel from the top and sides of your tooth. Then, he bonds the CEREC crown to restore your tooth's shape, size, and appearance.

Can I chew with my same-day CEREC Crown immediately after it’s placed?

No. You must wait at least a full day to bite and chew with your CEREC 1-day crown. Biting down too soon can prevent it from bonding with your natural enamel. For at least 24 hours, chew on the opposite side of your mouth. Also, avoid chewy and sticky foods until Dr. Wilcox gives the go-ahead.

If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of a same-day CEREC crown, schedule an appointment with Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, PC, by calling the office in Butte, Montana, today.